Being a Female “Ojek” Driver, Why Not?

Being a Female “Ojek” Driver, Why Not?

Most of women in Indonesia work as teacher, seller, or office worker. However, the increase of  population in Indonesia makes the competition for jobs is higher.It encourages women decide to take various types of jobs in order to meet their basic needs. Now, many of them have an unusual job that usually done by men, being a driver.
This phenomenon could be defined as a positive deviation. Positive deviation is an event that is not in accordance with the rules / norms, but have a positive impact on the social system where the women’s lived. According to the high demand of usingvehicles nowadays, makes many traffic problems in some capital cities. Therefore, people tend to use public transportations.
One of the most wanted public transportations is taxibike or it calls as “ojek”. Many people choose to use ojek especially in a hurry moment. The high demand for female ojek driver related to many criminal acts againts women leads some women have a job as a female ojek driver."If in other public transportation such a bus, I was not comfortable to be jostling with many men. I felt safer when riding ojek with female driver," said a girl who like to use ojek with female driver rather than another public transportations, as quoted in a news.

The change of phenomena and shifting norms that have occurred today, said a Sociologist, have positive and negative effects. Women become to have flexibility to earn their own income. The wide possibilities of work makes women not only become housewives or office workers, but also havea job as a driver of public transportations. Meanwhile, for single women, there will be other changes. Sociologically, according to sociologist opinion, there would be a delay in the age of marriage because they tend to have work oriented than thinking for married. (ap)
