My Leader is Woman

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My Leader is Woman
After the fall of the new order and still in the spirit to strengthen democracy, the idea to increase women's representation and voice the importance of women's involvement in politics is getting stronger.Women engaged in politics and entered the public sphere to become a leader at that time were still considered taboo, violating nature and contrary to religious law. The most difficult thing at the time was to convince the public that women had equal rights with men in all fields, including politics.
Yet slowly, politicians, influential public figures and religious leaders who support this issue are being identified. Women's groups also recognize the importance of gaining wider public support. After all efforts, finally, women's groups are becoming available together and able to convince the public including policymakers that women have equal political rights to men.
Nowadays, the number of women representation in political world increased. In Indonesia, especially, there are women who are being involved in politics and being leader as well. In Jokowi’s era, the number of women representation in his cabinet is more than in the previous cabinets. There are 8 women involve in Jokowi’s cabinet; such as Siti Nurbaya as Minister of Forestry and Environment, Puan Maharani as Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Nila F Moeloek as Health Minister, Khofifah Indar Parawansa as Social Minister, Yohana Yembise as Minister for Women Empowerment and Child Protection, Retno LP Marsudi as Foreign Minister State, Rini Soemarno as State Minister for State Owned Enterprises, and Susi Pudjiastuti as Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.

                Furthermore, not only involve in president’s cabinet as ministers, women are also being the leader of some cities in Indonesia. There are two examples of inspiring women as the leader of cities; first isdr. Hj. Faida, MMR. She is a doctor with a good leadership soul. She is the regent of Jember for 2016 to 2021 period. During her leadership, she made a good change of Jember especially for developing products of culture, and road and infrastructure improvements.The second woman is Dr. Ir. Tri Rismaharini, M.T. She is the leader of capital city of East Java. She has been lead Surabaya for two periods. Start from 2010 until 2021. She built a Broadband Learning Center that can be used by children to learn. Moreover, she always do direct action to overcome various problems in Surabaya even for clean up the road and supervise the fire fighting process at one of the biggest market in surabaya. So, are you the next woman leader?
