Wowen Still the Most Cigarette Factory’s Workers

            The proportion between female and male workers is still not balanced. Most of the factory workers are still dominated by women. Male workers are still less than women. Currently the number of female workers are about 70 percent while men are only about 30 percent.Some factories claimed that the reason why it tend to hire women to work than men because the nature of the work is more suitable for them. On the other case, many companies tend to avoid male workers because they mostly involved in labor union and often take strike action which may hamper the process of production.
            High cigarette consumption in Indonesia reaches hundreds of millions of United States (US)dollars.Thus, cigarette factory is one of factories where the worker are mostly women. The high number of women who work in cigarette factory is triggered by the low regulation of company. It accommodate the low-skilled labor. So, it is able to support hundreds of thousands of workers that spread in various regions in Indonesia.

            In a research, it was found that "most women who work as laborers in the cigarette or tobacco industry are women who are being the main source of income for their families." In other research found that, women are willing to work to support their family and themselves. Even they already married, they are willing to help her husband by working. Especially for those who are graduated only to junior high school or even elementary school, factory becomesthe best workplace for them. In conclusion, economic factor was being the main factor of the high number of women who work as labor in factories .
